Are you a law student or an aspiring law student? If so, there are a few classic books that you should read. These books speak about some of the greatest issues of our time and will challenge you to think about law in a way that you never have before.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic, not just in the legal world, but as a work of literature. It takes an important look at our history as a country and with the issue of racism. Even if you read this one in high school, put it on your list to read again. As a newly aspiring lawyer, you will have a different perspective than you did before.
On Being a Happy, Healthy, and Ethical Member of an Unhappy, Unhealthy, and Unethical Profession by Patrick J. Schiltz
This choice speaks for itself. Patrick J. Schiltz is now a former law and currently a United States district judge. He writes about the ups and downs of being a lawyer in a realistic way. After you read it, you’ll be equipped with some practical advice on how to overcome many of the perils you’ll have as an attorney.
Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? by Michael J. Sandel
Michael J. Sandel is a professor at Harvard University who speaks about vital issues that lawyers deal with every day. In this book, Sandel writes about the same issues that Harvard students love to hear him speak on. The topics covered are some of the most polarizing issues of the day. Reading about these subjects will challenge you to think in new ways about morality, politics, and your personal beliefs.
The Rule of Law by Tom Bingham
Tom Bingham was a highly regarded British judge. He wrote this short book to examine what “rule of law” means. Bingham looks at history, as well as today’s issues. He recognizes that law is a foundation of society and necessary to ensure our government is responsible. As an aspiring law student, you should definitely have this on your list!